
web-space of - vishal basra

turtles and code!

Chef Custom resource

Read data from a file on disk to process

I know this example is an overkill, this is just to demonstrate

  1. Under resources/readthings.rb ``` resource_name :readthings property :creds, String, required: true, name_property: true property :username, String, required: true property :password, String, required: true property :location, String, required: true

action :update do #print “\n-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n” #print new_resource.location #print “\n-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n”

ruby_block ‘scan_contents’ do block do def load_existing_value ::File.readlines(new_resource.location).each do |line| if line.include?(‘password’) arr = line.split(‘=’) pre_existing_value = arr[1].tr(‘”’, ‘’) existing_value = pre_existing_value.tr(‘ ‘,’’) return existing_value end end return existing_value end existing_value = load_existing_value print existing_value end action :run end


2. In attributes
`default['chef-thing']['cred-path'] = '/automate-credentials.toml'``

3. In recipes

readthings “usercreds” do location node[‘chef-thing’][‘cred-path’] action :update end ```
