
web-space of - vishal basra

turtles and code!

Quirky Win things

Quirky thing Explanation
schtasks.exe /QUERY /TN "chef-client" Status of a scheduled task
schtasks.exe /CHANGE /TN "chef-client" /DISABLE' Disable a scheduled task
schtasks.exe /CHANGE /TN "chef-client" /ENABLE' Enable a scheduled task
wmic product Show all installed packages
wmic product get /format:csv > Software_%Computername%.csv Save all installed packages to a file
wmic product <insert pipe here> find "Chef Client" Show details of a package
wmic product get /format:csv <insert pipe here> find "Chef Client" Show details of a package in CSV
(Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Name + '.' + (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain FQDN
.ToLower() or .ToUpper() lower or UPPER case
Get-Service "vishal*" Find and list status of all services containing the specified name as the ServiceName
Start-Service -Name Vishal Starts the service where name matches the specified value use -DisplayName instead if you want
